Micro Research Social Media Platform

And develop evaluation tools allow us to measure engagement and success of the social media strategy. ‘Delivering quality health care in Africa, where a disproportionate burden of disease exists.’


In 2008 the World Health Organisation (WHO) issue “call to action” to address the staggering health needs, especially those of children. Improving health research capacity is a critical goal. Micro research Africa aim at improving local research capacity in Africa. The concept is small locally driven multidisciplinary health research teams developing research projects to improve health outcomes, it starts with multidisciplinary research training workshops with hands-on research proposal development. Participants learn how to ask the questions that will address their problems. Micro Research Program (IWK Health Centre Halifax Canada) in collaboration with Tanzanian Training Centre for International Health (TTCIH) Since 2012 have been improving local research capacity in Africa through small locally driven multidisciplinary health research teams developing research projects to improve health outcomes by facilitate continuous communication between investigators /Micro-Research team members in Africa with Micro Research Coaches. Micro-Research has developed social media channels on Facebook, LinkedIn, WhatsApp and Twitter. The social network has widely amplified to Micro-research graduates and all interested in hearing about Micro Research.

  • Creating a community among MR researchers
  • Stimulating discussion among MR researchers
  • Promoting MR accomplishments to current and potential sponsors/partners.